Straight Teeth Are Easier to Clean When your teeth are rotated, crowded, and overlapped it becomes more difficult to properly floss and brush. Food particles, plaque, and tartar can accumulate causing cavities and an inflammation of the gums called periodontal disease.  These issues have also been connected to heart disease, diabetes, and other medical problems. Straight teeth will have a... read more »

Yardley Dental Implants Can Give You the Healthy, Beautiful Smile You Deserve!

What Are Dental Implants? Dental implants offer an option for patients who have lost one or multiple teeth.  They can be utilized to anchor single crowns, a fixed bridge, or help hold a complete denture in place. When properly positioned and restored, dental implants can change a person’s life for the better by improving their chewing, smile, and self-confidence. The... read more »